The Complete Guide To Remote Staffing

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24 Remote Worker “Best Practices” For 2024 (Part 2)

In the previous post, we talked about 12 best practices remote workers should bring into 2024.

We continue that thread and round out our catalogue of 24 practices and habits that bring out the best in every remote worker.

#13 Be a video conferencing savant.

During the pandemic, workers got a real taste of how different virtual meetings are compared to face-to-face communication. Sure, there are the old standbys of being courteous, speaking clearly, and being prepared for a meeting, but a virtual one is a different animal altogether.

The timing is different. The dynamics are different. A remote worker will do so much for his career by honing his virtual meeting skills.

Often, these “meetups” are the only times employers closely interact with the team, in real-time.

So details like knowing when to speak to avoid overlap, looking straight at the camera or being more expressive vocally and visually are ripe opportunities to enhance one’s standing with the team.

Here are some things you need to practice:

  • learn how to summarize and repeat what others have said.
  • learn how to facilitate conversations so meetings don’t get stuck in a loop
  • learn how to give feedback constructively
  • learn how to defend positions and actions when inquired

By being fluent in virtual meetings you are exhibiting your value to the organization.

#14 Automate repetitive tasks.

Cognitive conservation is the obvious reason for automating repetitive tasks. When you’ve done away with the rote aspects of the job, you have more time for its more creative elements. That much is obvious.

But there are deeper reasons than this. Automation can shed a remote worker’s personal biases. Automating a task could result in fairer or more equitable outcomes. For example, recruitment tasks, loan approvals, and performance reviews can benefit from this. So automation is not just because an employee is lazy. It’s to increase the quality of the work.

And then there’s the issue of job satisfaction. If a remote worker wants to fend off burnout and engage in the more meaningful and fulfilling aspects of the work, he should look to automation for the assist. Doing so will lead to higher morale and a positive experience.

The most productive remote workers always look to tech as partners.

(There are loads of tools at your disposal. For example, Zapier is a good tool for digital automation.)

#15 Document processes.

This does not only mean that you make it virtually impossible to lose a file. Documenting your work also means leaving digital traces everywhere, allowing changes to be tracked on digital projects. So in writing code, for example, everyone can see the evolution of the program. (eg. Github)

With every step recorded, and changes noted, there’s workflow clarity, and tweaks and adjustments can easily be made—making iterations very efficient.

Documenting your process also means that your own “best practices” can easily be taught to newcomers. This benefits the whole organization by making knowledge transfer easier.

#16 Develop strong cybersecurity habits.

Cybersecurity is everybody’s business and you should take it very seriously.

The best practices in this area include the following:

  • using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication
  • not giving personal and sensitive company information online
  • not clicking suspicious links and downloading attachments from unknown sources
  • using a firewall and encryption
  • regularly backing up data in secure storage and devices
  • creating separate accounts for personal and professional use
  • responsibly using social media

#17 Have a “playbook” for emergency work events.

Protecting yourself from those wanting to digitally attack or harm you is one thing. It’s a completely different thing to come prepared for those occasional disruptions that negatively impact work.

What happens when the power goes out, for example? Or when you get sick and can’t attend to a client?

What happens when your complex cutting-edge tool plays tricks on you? There are times when your computer acts up, or worse, dies. What happens to the workflow?

The best remote workers anticipate these things, no matter how improbable they may be.

They know the steps to follow when certain scenarios arise. They have standby redundancies that can immediately kick in once their main systems break.

For example, they have battery power for Wifi routers so that they can still work during power interruptions. They have power banks on the ready.

And they’ve already talked to colleagues and those folks know what to do when something happens. In short, they already have a “playbook” to call upon for work emergencies.

#18 Squeeze in mini-exercise sessions.

Even without the daily commute, it’s not always easy to find an hour or two to go to the gym or go for a run.

The thing is, one doesn’t need to allocate huge blocks of time to keep healthy. A hack you can do is intersperse work with some quick mini-sessions.

I’m talking about neck stretches, torso twists, squats, leg lifts etc. that you can do in between paragraphs, or in between emails. You’re done in two minutes and doing them can combat the sedentary nature of the job, and get your heart pumping and the blood flowing.

#19 Eat healthy.

“Since I’m working from home, I’m gonna be eating healthy, home-cooked meals.”

Unfortunately, that’s not what usually happens. Meals are often an afterthought, taken in front of the computer while working with the other hand.

But meals, unlike exercises, should not be mixed with work. There should be a time when you just eat and nourish your body, without fiddling with the keyboard or mouse. The tendency when you mix working and eating is that you end up with food that can be eaten with one hand and that is conveniently packaged.

In that case, you’ll either live off the can or have delivery food.

Eating ultra-processed food, while it keeps you on your desk, will eventually catch up with you. It’ll make you sluggish, less creative and prone to stress and burnout.

Eating well, and eating mindfully, is always worth the time and effort.

#20 Get enough rest and sleep.

Every once in a while, work-from-home employees forgo some hours of sleep especially when the situation warrants it. But consistently missing out on adequate rest never did good for anyone in the history of mankind.

It is well-documented that lack of sleep has a host of deleterious impacts on the body, from impaired cognitive function, and impaired communication skills to health risks like heart attacks and depression.

Because professional and personal life easily blur in a work-from-home setup, many cannot “disconnect” from work—leading to overwork and needless stress.

One of the most profound favours a remote worker can do in 2024 is to give his body and mind rest. Make sure you give yourself time.

By getting enough sleep and engaging in stress-reduction practices, a virtual worker can preserve his health and well-being for the long haul.

#21 Create a “Shutdown” ritual.

In part one, we talked about “game on” rituals that athletes follow that tee them off to high performance. There’s also a converse for this. A “shutdown” ritual mentally and physically signals to the individual that the work day is done.

This allows the person to switch off, recover and stop thinking about work.

Some of the things you can do are:

  • bidding “goodbye” to your colleagues
  • closing communication channels
  • powering down devices
  • clearing the workspace
  • changing into different clothes
  • engaging in a transition activity such as taking a walk, preparing a meal or talking with friends

Have a “shutdown” ritual so that you clear the blurry line between your professional and personal life.

#22 Have hobbies, goals or projects outside work.

If you don’t occupy the brain with something else, it will constantly worry and think about work. So give it something else to tinker with.

Cultivating diverse interests outside of work enriches your life, providing a broader perspective that can be valuable in professional settings.

Having a hobby stimulates creativity that can impact your job. But beyond that, taking time to do the things that you love, whether it’s a sport, craft, or time with the family and loved ones, gives meaning to one’s days.

It also puts work in a proper perspective.

#23 Celebrate your achievements.

Know when to reward yourself. And it’s not just when you achieve something big or significant. (These are too few and too far in between.)

Celebrate the little wins and the simple victories. Doing so enhances your job satisfaction. And your cheer just might rub off on others in the team.

Consequently, celebrate the simple wins of others. Don’t wait for something big before you acknowledge or congratulate a teammate. You will most definitely make their day with a simple, “Great job on that report there, thank you!”

#24 Always be growing and improving.

The best remote workers are never the same year after year. They better their craft, take on more challenges and learn new skills.

They develop professional networks, shore up their weaknesses and further hone their strengths. As a result, they become more valuable to the company.

Always be looking for ways to get better. That’s a journey always worth taking.

So that’s your list of 24 for 2024.

Make this year your breakout year.

Kinetic Innovative Staffing knows what makes a great remote worker. We’ve been helping companies around the world find remote professionals for their businesses and organizations.

We have a pool of over 4 million Filipino remote professionals from lawyers, accountants, and engineers, to software developers, graphic artists and social media managers.

(Need a software developer? Click here and browse our complete catalogue of Rockstar Software Developer Candidates!)

Our clients do not only get to hire world-class talents, but they also enjoy considerable savings while doing so.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or if you want to explore this opportunity for your company.


Kinetic Innovative Staffing has been providing hundreds of companies in the Asia Pacific, North America, the Middle East, and Europe with professionals working remotely from the Philippines since 2013. Get in touch to know more.

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