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With a land area of just 760 sq. km., and home to a population of 1.7 million, Bahrain now has 100% 5G coverage. When a country is half the size of London, it’s that much easier to blanket the whole...
It is one of the world’s most valuable brands—winning “World’s Best Airline” multiple times, recognized as “the only airline to fly continuously throughout the pandemic.”2021’s “Airline of the Year”— Qatar Airways. Qatar Airways named Airline of the Year 2021 by...
TV was big in the 90s. Holding a remote control then was as powerful as holding an iPhone today. You’d have shows like “The Simpsons” and “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” If you watched the news sometime between January 17...
Did you know that there are more Indians in the UAE than there are Emiratis? In fact, there are over twice as many Indians. There are more Pakistanis too! The United Arab Emirates is one of those rare countries where...
After the United States, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the top oil-producing country in the world—underwriting 12% of the global supply. When it struck oil in the fields of Dammam back in March of 1938, Saudi’s revenues have increasingly...
If you believe every day is Christmas, then this post is just right on time. The “fella” in the red suit? Why it’s Santa, of course. Whether you believe in him or not, he does make for a convenient vehicle...