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Once the yuletide season comes rolling in, schedules and to-do lists suddenly get filled and time seems to lessen at a quicker pace than usual. Whether you’re a business owner or a staff member, the merry mix of project deadlines,...
The significance of social media has grown exponentially over the years. Social media is no longer just a venue for an individual to reach out to his friends; it has become a tool for companies to reach out their market....
One advantage of outsourcing talent is that it is more cost-efficient than hiring in house, but getting the best value from your service providers involves more than trimming your operational costs. Outsourcing talent isn’t just about picking a proposal with...
Thanks to modern technology, it is now possible for a company— from the smaller start-up to the multi-million dollar corporation— to run a business even if its workforce is dispersed in different parts of the world. A new and...
In the words of speechwriter James Humes, “The art of communication is the language of leadership.” A good communicator is one step to being a good leader, and being a good leader is a key ingredient to running a successful...
In our last post, we discussed the steps to finding a virtual assistant. Finding the right virtual assistant can be quite a challenge and beyond required skill sets and work experience, there are also certain qualities or traits that we...