The Complete Guide To Remote Staffing

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“There’s An AI Tool For That!” (Or How To Pick The Right AI & Keep Your Sanity)

Heard of AI?

Of course, you have!

It’s supposed to make your business super productive and make your life easier.

But the problem is, there’s so much AI magic and gadgetry in the marketplace today, that one can easily drown in the flood of options.

So in this post, we talk about 5 AI-hunting strategies you can use to find the tool that’s best for you and your business.

But first, let’s quickly go through 3 reasons why people are having such a hard time choosing.

Why You’re Being Overwhelmed?

#1 Unclear needs

One of the biggest reasons you’re having difficulty in choosing is that it isn’t really clear to you what your ultimate goals are.

You don’t know what you require from AI. You just know there’s this cool new thing that’s supposed to automate your tasks. So you get mesmerised by the capabilities of AI, without really being clear on its alignment with your business goals.

In other words, you’re focusing too much on the tool, and not on the task.

If the task and requirements are clear, then you can easily pick one that satisfies them and quickly move along.

#2 FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

You’re afraid that a newer AI model will perform much better than the one you could be using. So you end up paralyzed from making a decision.

It’s normal to want the best. But the problem with a field like AI is that there will always be a shiny new object waiting to be launched. The space is so dynamic, that new and updated versions are sprouting every day.

But if you accept that such is the nature of the beast, then you can more comfortably decide with the knowledge that although there will be others coming along, you will be just fine.

#3 No Backsies Mindset

Another reason you’re not able to commit is that you’re afraid to make a mistake.

But in a growing and experimental field like this, it’s okay to change your mind.

Yes, there are backsies.

You can take things for a spin and not be afraid of getting stuck with them if things don’t work out. One of the strategies we’ll talk about soon involves actually trying things out.

You won’t know until you get your hands dirty. Often, paid subscriptions have robust free trials and easy cancel options.

5 Life-saving AI-hunting Strategies

#1 Task-led Strategy

If you are clear, crystal clear, on what you want from your tool, then choosing won’t be such a complicated process.

For example, if you know you just need some nails to be driven through wood, then you know that a hammer, any hammer, will do the job. You don’t need one that’s bedazzled, made from the finest quality steel, or one that also tells time or can be used as a compass.

The problem is when you go about it the other way and don’t know what you need, you easily get lost in the extra features that don’t mean very much to you in the long run. “Oh, so it does that too? And it also counts your steps?!…”

(Yes, hundreds of tools go online every day, but not every one of them is for the task you have in mind.)

When you are task-led in your search, the only criteria is, “Does this thing do what I need it to do, at the level and quality I’m happy with?” All the other features are superfluous.

Being task-led also helps you decide whether or not you should go for the free version or the paid version.

“I need 100 videos generated each month, but the free version only does 20. There are other options, but their output is not as good as this one. Let me try this paid one and see how it goes.”

#2 Interface-led Strategy

Under the hood, most AI tools—whether they are text, image, video, or code generators—are essentially the same. They run from the same foundational models.

So another strategy you can use to make your decision is the “friendliness” of the thing.

Tools will differ in how you experience them.

  • Do the colours, fonts and graphics appeal to you?
  • How many clicks does it take to get what you want?
  • Do the bots sound friendly?
  • Is it intuitive?

You will be using the tool regularly, so it’s very important that you like the looks of it and how it works.

If looking at the control panel alone gives you a headache, then maybe that’s not the tool for you.

We each have our preferences, so if you’re not vibing with an AI, know that there will be something else in the market that will fit you like a glove.

#3 Follow Aggregator/Recommendation Sites

You’re not the first one to have this problem…nor are you the only one.

Aggregators and recommendation sites try to sift through the options themselves and give you the products they’ve found to be better than the rest.

Sites like, and are a good place to start.

The great thing about sites like these is they filter the AI world into useful categories so you can quickly search for what you want.

Want one that does videos, text, images, reels, podcasts, etc.? Do you want the newest, the cheapest, the one with specific features?

But again, we go back to knowing what you’re looking for in the first place. If you come to an aggregator with an attitude like “Surprise Me!”, you will quickly be overwhelmed with the choice. (And that won’t be a surprise.)

*(Not to mention, aggregator sites themselves are rising in numbers fast so even deciding on which ones to go to can quickly become a chore.)

#4 Follow the crowd

You can have an attitude of “Oh well, I’m just gonna use what everybody else uses.”

You don’t need to venture too far to that beaten path. That’ll work too!

Look for listicles that scream titles like:

  • “Best AI Tools 2024”
  • “The 50 Best AI Tools You Should Know About”
  • “Top 10 Generative AI Tools You Need To Use”

These are what people usually check out, so as a result, they reflect the most common tools being used by most people, (with some lesser-known but underrated ones mixed in between).

Go with the wisdom of the crowd. It’s not infallible, but it’s a good place to start.

If you hear a tool mentioned over and over again, you can simply latch onto that.

#5 Do Trial and Error

Finally, you can go with the old trial-and-error.

This requires more effort and time, but the experience and insights you’ll get will be richer and more nuanced.

The real test of any tool is when you integrate it into your workflow and watch it churn magic. You get to learn its strengths and weaknesses. Best of all, you hone your skills using it, which is vital to its ultimate usefulness.

Forget the reported metrics and parameters. How does it perform when you run it on the task?

Give lots of tools a go so you can meaningfully compare performance.

It’s a user’s market out there and you are essentially spoilt for choice.

(And who says you only get to choose one?!)

With any of these 5 strategies, you can hone in on the AI tool that will help you reach your goals.

Kinetic Innovative Staffing helps companies find digital workers for the age of AI. We assist companies in finding Filipino remote workers for teams and business organizations around the globe.

If you are looking for seasoned remote professionals like graphic designers, software developers, writers, digital marketers, social media managers etc., Kinetic can make the hiring process both simple and cost-effective for you.

With our database of over 4 million professionals, we can fill a wide range of roles and positions. (Say, you need an accountant. Get the chance to browse our full catalogue of Rockstar Accountant Candidates by clicking here.)

Companies who hire Filipino remote workers experience a huge drop in labour costs while enjoying world-class work quality.

So when the AI world becomes too overwhelming, you can easily let seasoned digital professionals take care of things for you.

If hiring Filipino remote workers is something you would like to explore, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us and we’ll provide the assistance you need.


Kinetic Innovative Staffing has been providing hundreds of companies in the Asia Pacific, North America, the Middle East, and Europe with professionals working remotely from the Philippines since 2013. Get in touch to know more.

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